MOA Audit
Dear Parents,
Each year, the Division of Special Populations Monitoring at the Texas Education Agency (TEA) Methods of Administration program (MOA) in compliance with the U.S. Office of Civil Rights, is required to conduct reviews of access to Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs in districts across the state. An audit will be conducted of the campus your student attends and a component of that audit is a survey of parents.
Since this high school receives federal funding to support Career and Technical Education (CTE) classes, periodically a review is required to ensure that all students are receiving appropriate services.
Be assured that there have been no complaints submitted to the TEA related to CTE admissions for your school, this monitoring activity is to comply with federal and state regulations regarding access for all students to CTE programs.
This survey addresses topics concerning how students of varying races, color, nation of origin, home language, ethnicity, sex, and disabilities are treated and served, particularly in CTE classes, by this high school's staff, administration, and students.
The responses you submit to this survey provide a comprehensive understanding of your student’s school and their ability to enroll in CTE programs and courses at the school.
Please complete this survey. Your responses will only be reviewed internally to assist TEA with the monitoring process. The information you share is confidential to the extent permitted by law. Responses to the survey may be subject to public information requests in accordance with the Public Information Act. Texas Government Code, Chapter 552.
In advance, thank you for completing this survey,
Division of Special Population Monitoring
Texas Education Agency
Survey Information:
Link to Survey:
Region Number: 11
District (LEA): Krum Independent School District
Additionally, students are being asked to assist in the review process by completing an on-line survey about his/her experiences with the CTE programs at Krum Independent School District.
With your permission, a 20-minute survey will be administered by district personnel to your child. All responses will only be reviewed internally to assist TEA with the monitoring process. The information shared is confidential to the extent permitted by law. Responses to the survey may be subject to public information requests in accordance with the Public Information Act. Texas Government Code, Chapter 552.
Please complete the online* permission form by clicking here to allow your student to participate in this brief survey.
Thank you for your assistance in this review process.
*If you would rather complete a paper permission form, you may print and return the attached form to the KHS Campus Office or receive a paper copy from the office. return the signed and dated Permission to Survey form below to allow your student to participate in this brief survey.
Parent Consent for Student Survey
Parent Consent for Student Survey Spanish
All of the above information was emailed to KHS parents and guardians using the Krum ISD ParentSquare Communications Platform on January 19, 2022, in addition, to being posted on the KHS website.