Bobcat Stadium Guidelines
Our Bobcat fan base is growing! As bigger crowds fill Bobcat Stadium during football games, it is important to maintain a safe and fun environment.
Our stadium staff wants to ensure that all participants and fans have a safe and enjoyable experience so we want to remind everyone of a few simple game day guidelines.
Bobcat Stadium Guidelines
No crossing over of the home and visitor fans
Bands, drill teams, cheerleaders, or spirit teams are not allowed pre-game practice on the playing field.
No students or adults shall be permitted on the playing field prior to, during, or after the game except those in uniform, engaged in the game or half time activities.
No spirit lines are allowed to be formed other than uniformed school groups.
Absolutely no glass bottles, food, gum, sunflower seeds, or tobacco allowed on the field.
Only authorized personnel will be allowed in the press box or on the side lines, and dressing room areas.
Competing teams must provide their own trainer, training tables etc.
No large ice chests will be allowed in the stadium; except for competing teams, bands, and drill teams.
Dressing rooms and field will be open 3 hours before game time.
Competing teams must provide their own towels.
Dressing room areas will be locked when teams take the field.
Krum ISD will not be responsible for articles left in the dressing room after the game.
Competing schools will be held responsible for any damage, theft, etc. to dressing room and press box areas.
Each team must provide their own headsets.
A school administrator from each school must be on duty for crowd control, keeping ramps and walkways clear, weather situations, etc.
All equipment, such as fans, heaters, tables, etc. must have a protective base to prevent damage to the field or track.
Live mascots will not be allowed in the stadium.
Confetti, ignited cannons or other pyrotechnic items will not be allowed on stadium property.