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Krum High School

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Welcome to Krum Choir!

You will find all of our announcements and upcoming events below.

Please visit the pages to the right for any additional information.


Please see our calendar on the right page list for our rehearsal schedule.

Krum HS/MS CHORAL Mission Statement

To empower students with

~ qualities of character; specifically integrity, responsibility, citizenship, service, pride, cooperation, and respect

~ the competency to achieve and maintain a competitive edge in a free market system continued support for the future of the arts, and

~ the compassion to exercise their gifts for the betterment of all humanity


Remind and Sportsyou is no longer utilized in Krum ISD. The method of communication for parents and students will be through ParentSqaure. Download the app to better manage notifications for reminders, etc. The Krum choral department is an all digital department aside from the beginning of the school year. All reminders and information will be sent via ParentSquare. You are welcome to use this platform to communicate with Directors or via email. Thank you very much!