The SAT will be give at KHS on March 1, 2023 to all Juniors during the school day. If you are not a Junior, but would like to take the SAT, please see Mrs. Sprague.
SAT School Day Information and Registration
HB 3 dictates that Texas students will be given the opportunity to take either the SAT, ACT, or TSI test ONCE for free, paid for by the state. In connection with this, KHS is conducting the SAT school day test. We will only offer the SAT once in the Spring, and it will be given DURING THE SCHOOL DAY. If you would like to test for the SAT or the ACT or on another date, you will need to contact College Board or ACT.
See below for registration and schedule information. PLEASE NOTE: This is an in-person test. We do NOT offer a virtual or on-line option.
COST: Free or $ 60.00 (depending if you have used your free test yet)
FREE OR PAY? If you took the SAT school day here at KHS last Spring , you used your free test & have to pay for your test. Bring your CHECK or exact CASH to Mrs. Sprague in the KHS front office. SAT and the student's full name must be included in the memo line!
SAT and ACT Testing: The SAT and ACT are standardized, objective tests that are required for entrance into four-year colleges and universities. Your scores show colleges how ready you are to handle the work at their institutions and how your skills compare with other applicants. As a high school Junior, you should be preparing to take these exams during the spring of your Junior year or at the latest, fall of your Senior year.
Practice Test Information & Registration
ACT: Click for ACT Website/Registration
An achievement test, measuring what a student has learned in school.
Up to 5 components including English, Math, Reading, Science and an optional Writing Test.
Scores based on number of right answers. No penalty for guessing.
Test Score Scales - English 25%; Reading 25%; Math 25%; Social Science 25%
Composite - 1-36 (average of 4 test scores)
SAT: Click for SAT Website/Registration
The new SAT looks a lot like the ACT.
The SAT is now scored out of 1600
The Reading and Writing sections on the current SAT have been combined into a single section in the new SAT, with a maximum score of 800.
Writing is now known as "Writing and Language."
The Math section is still scored out of 800.
Instead of 5 answer choices for each question, there will be only 4.
No penalty for guessing.
Focused on math that matters most
Reflects what students learn in class.