ASVAB Test is offered once a year at KHS to interested Sophmores, Juniors and Seniors only.
The test is Free to students.
WHEN: One time per year
TIME: be here and seated by 8:15am
WHERE: KHS lecture hall
For more information visit the ASVAB Website
STUDY TOOL - Free App through the Apple App Store
There are quite a few free study tool apps for ASVAB, decide which one is right for you!
The ASVAB Test will be administered by military personnel, not school personnel.
Arrive by 8:00 am, begin right at 8:30am
What to Bring: Nothing! Pencils & scratch paper will be provided. Calculators are not allowed for this test, all math problems can be solved on paper.
Cell phones must be turned off and put in your backpack or purse during the test.