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Krum High School

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Welcome to the Krum High School Library

Search our library (including local eBooks) 

 (You will need to click on 'Exit" at the top of the page and then "Library Search" on the top left.)

Read eBooks from the Region 11 collection.  Ask your librarian for passwords.

Read eBooks with our TumbleBooks subscription.  Contact your librarian for passwords.

Check out videos, reviews and trailers of our most recent arrivals on YouTube

On a mobile device?   Download the Destiny Discover.  Use the drop down menus to find Krum High School.  Use your student ID as both username and password to login!

The high school library is managed by the district librarian, Cheryl Eager, MLS.  Mrs. Eager will be at the high school library Monday through Friday 7:45 am until 4:15 pm.

Contact information for Mrs. Eager: 

Mrs. Eager has been in education 26 years, and has been a librarian 15. She previously taught elementary school and has taught middle and high school English. She has been a librarian at all three levels, as well, before becoming Krum ISD’s district librarian.